Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Release Day, Tiffany King!!! Turtle Bay is LIVE!

I am so excited to read this book, I can't stand it.  It's going to be my reward for studying like I am supposed to do all weekend.

You all should totally buy it and read it while I'm studying so I can live vicariously through you.  Links are below!


Barnes and Noble:



Congratulations, Tiffany on another awesome release day!  I can't wait for the next!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tiffany King Blog Tour Stop! Turtle Bay Coming Soon!

The fabulous Tiffany King graciously decided to stop by this little blog here and leave an excerpt from her upcoming young adult release, Turtle Bay.  If you've been following me, you have already seen the cover, but I am going to post it again here.  Turtle Bay will be available for purchase on March 20th....just 2 days away!!!  I'm pretty certain this will be a novel we do not want to miss!  I hope you enjoy the excerpt below!

He kneeled down to inspect the sand around the netting. "You're not from around here, are you?" His tone was so straitlaced I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. It wasn't like I had a sign on my forehead that read new in town, but I guessed by his attitude that people from around here knew not to touch the turtle nests. Lesson learned.

I watched as he used his hand to smooth over the sand around the net. "Are you dusting for fingerprints?" My question was intended to be a joke to try and break the ice, but he didn't laugh.

"I'm making sure you didn't disturb the sand above the eggs. Carelessness like that can impact the future these hatchlings have on our environment."

I bit back a sudden urge to laugh. How ironic that the first guy I met in a new town was as zealous about the planet as my parents were. The fact he was lecturing me, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eco-Planet, was downright hilarious. The words to correct him were on the tip of my tongue, but I held them back. He was actually kinda cute all fired up the way he was. Why rain on his parade?

"Hey, I'm really sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" I lightly teased when he ran out of steam. 

I guess he was immune to my charm because his sky-blue eyes looked more resentful than amused. He turned away, mumbling something under his breath that sounded like he had called me an airhead. I snorted in response. Ordinarily I might have gotten upset over some guy putting me down, but something about Turtle Boy's attitude made me laugh.