Monday, March 3, 2014

A Tragic Wreck - T.K. Leigh

I know, two T.K. Leigh books in a row.  Like I said, I had a romance book marathon this weekend.  Yesterday was so rainy/snowy/icy that I seriously just laid on the couch all day and read this entire book.

This book picks up in Florida, where A Beautiful Mess left off.  Olivia ran from Boston to get away from true love.  In Florida, she finds a nice (and super hot) distraction, but her heart still belongs to Alex.  The author does a great job describing Olivia's pain and agony over leaving Alex.  I had to grab a few tissues as I was making my way through the book because I could actually feel the pain she was in.  I alternated between being very sad for her and being very angry at her.  I was angry at how she refused to let herself feel true happiness and fall in love.  I felt like she was being self-destructive.

I was also very angry at Alex and his rebound relationship with Chelsea.  I mean as pretty as she might be, she was not the nicest girl in the world.  I was frustrated with how fast he jumped into an intense relationship with her when he didn't really have strong feelings for her.  As awful as she may be, nobody deserves to get strung along like that.  I was also angry at him for keeping secrets from Olivia.  I guess all in all, I was not a huge fan of Alex in this book because he kept doing things to make me upset.

I liked Olivia's character development.  It seemed for awhile that she was falling back into her old ways,  but eventually, she began growing as a character and I respected her as much as I pitied her.  I desperately wanted her to get all of her memories back or for Alex to tell her the truth about who she was.

I also enjoyed the story line behind the men who were searching for her and plotting against her.  It was a nice accompaniment to make sure that the book was not entirely about Olivia and Alex's tumultuous relationship.  All in all, I enjoyed this book as well and I am looking forward to the next installment in the series so I can see how the danger from Olivia's past all plays out.

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